На информационном ресурсе применяются рекомендательные технологии (информационные технологии предоставления информации на основе сбора, систематизации и анализа сведений, относящихся к предпочтениям пользователей сети "Интернет", находящихся на территории Российской Федерации)

PSA: Update Game Consoles Before Giving Them for Christmas

Author: Jason Fitzpatrick / Source: How-To Geek The last thing you want on Christmas Day is for your kids to be unable to play the game console they’ve waited so long to enjoy. Read on as we highlight why you need to pre-game your console gift giving experience. Why Do I Want To Do This? If

You can now sign into your Microsoft account without a password

Author: Kyle Wiggers / Source: VentureBeat Passwords aren’t as effective a means as preventing account break-ins as they might seem. Three out of four people use duplicate passwords, and 21 percent of people use codes that are over 10 years old. (In 2014, among the five most popular passwords

We’re Making it Rain Achievements This Year

Author: Mike Szczys / Source: Hackaday We just dished out the first round of achievements to a bunch of hardware projects and there’s a lot more to come. You may have missed it in all the fanfare last week, so today we take a closer look. Achievements are the newest edition to the Hackaday Prize

Xbox Live is down for some

Author: Jeff Grubb / Source: VentureBeat Xbox One, Xbox 360, and Windows 10 gamers may have trouble booting up certain releases at the moment. Xbox Live isn’t working for everybody, and Microsoft has engineers working on the problems, according to the Xbox Live status site. The issues are

СМИ: Microsoft планирует апдейт системы ачивментов Xbox Live с лутбоксами и рангами пользователей

Обновление коснётся системы очков Gamerscore. Портал Windows Central выяснил, что в данный момент Microsoft работает над новой системой «Карьеры» (Career) для Xbox Live. Ранее корпоративный вице-президент Xbox Майк Ибарра говорил, о планах по обновлению функций ачивментов и счётчика очков

Картина дня
